IndexÀíàñòàñèÿ ØóëüãèíàLittera scripta manetContact

Mahrer, A. R. (1985). /Psychotherapeutic change: An alternative approach to meaning and measurement./ New York: Norton.

Mahrer, A. R. (1986). /Therapeutic experiencing: The process of change./ New York:


Mahrer, A. R. (1989a). /Experiencing: A humanistic theory of psychology and psychiatry./ Ottawa: University of Ottawa press. (Original work published 1978).

Mahrer, A. R. (1989b). /Experiential psychotherapy: Basic practice./ Ottawa: University of Ottawa Press. (Original work published 1983).

Mahrer, A. R. (1989ñ). /How to do experiential psychotherapy: A manual for practitioners./ Ottawa: University of Ottawa Press.

Mahrer, A. R. (1989d). /The integration of psychotherapies: A guide for practicing therapists./ New York: Human Sciences Press.

Mahrer, A. R. (1989e). /Dream work: In psychotherapy and self-change./ New York:



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