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Basch, M. F. (1976). The concept of affect: A re-examination. /Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, 24,/ 759—778.
Basch, M. F. (1988). /Understanding psychotherapy: The science behind the art./ New
York: Basic Books.
Nathanson, D. L. (Ed.). (1987). /The many faces of shame./ New York: Guilford.
Nathanson, D. L. (1988). Affect, affective resonance, and a new theory for hypnosis. /Psychopathology, 21,/ 126—137.
Tomkins, S. S. (1962—1963). /Affect/imagery/consciousness/ (Vols. 1 and 2). New
York: Springer.
Wurmser, L. (1981). /The mask of shame./ Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press.