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Davidson, М. (983). /Uncommon sense: The life and thought of Ludvig von Bertalanffy, father of general systems theory./ Boston: Houghton Mifflin.

Gay, P. (1988). /Freud: A life for our time./ New York: Norton.

Haley, J. (1973). /Uncommon therapy./ New York: Norton.

Hampden-Tumer, C. (1982). /Maps of the mind./ New York: Macmillan.

Levenson, E.A. (1972). /The fallacy of understanding./ New York: Bacic Books.

Levinson, D. J. (1978). /The seasons of a man's life./ New York: Knopf.

Minuchin, S., Montalvo, В., Guerney, B.C., Jr., Rosman, B.L., & Schumer, F. (1967). /Families of the slums./ New York: Bacic Books.

Piaget, J. (1970). /Structuralism./ New York: Bacic Books.

Sheridan, A. (1980). /Michel Foucault: The will to truth./ London: Tavistoc Publication.



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