IndexÀíàñòàñèÿ ØóëüãèíàLittera scripta manetContact

Howard, G. S. (1986). /Dare we develop a human science?/ Notre Dame, IN: Academic Publications.

Howard, G. S. (1988a). The hardening of a "soft" science. Invited address presented at the ÀÐÀ Convention, Atlanta.

Howard, G. S. (1988b). /A tale of two stories: Excursions into a narrative approach to psychology./ Notre Dame, IN: Academic Publications.

Howard, G. S., & Conway, C. G. (1986). Can there be an empirical science of volitional action? /American Psychologist, 41,/ 1241—1251.

Schachter, S. (1982). Recidivism and self-cure in smoking and obesity. /American// //Psychologist//, 37,/ 436-444.



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