IndexÀíàñòàñèÿ ØóëüãèíàLittera scripta manetContact

Dunnet, G. (1988). /Working with people: Clinical uses of personal construct psychology./ New York & London: Routledge.

/International Journal of Personal Construct Psychology./ New York: Hemisphere.

Kelly, G. A. (1955). /The psychology of personal constructs./ New York: Norton. Neimeyer, R. A. (1987). Personal construct therapy. In W. Dryden & W. L. Golden (Eds.), /Cognitive-behavioral approaches to psychotherapy./ New York: Hemisphere.

Neimeyer, R. A., Baker, K. D., & Neimeyer, G. J. (1989).The current status of personal construct theory: Some scientometric data. In G. J. Neimeyer & R. A. Neimeyer (Eds.), /Advances in personal construct psychology./ Greenwich, CT: JAI Press.

Neimeyer, R. A., & Neimeyer, G.J. (1987). /Personal construct theory casebook./ New York: Springer.


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