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Furedy, J.J. (1980). Conditioning of phasic but large-magnitude heart-rate decelerations in humans: Methods and applications. In /Biofeedback and Meditation: Proceedings of the Biofeedback Research Society Meetings, 1977 (in/ Japanese), /K./ Ishakawa (Ed.), Seishin Shobo, Japan.


Furedy, J.J. (1983). Attaining autonomic calming through behavioral control. A response-learning approach. In A. Krakowski and C. Kimball (Eds.), /Psychosomatic medicine: theoretical, clinical, and transcultural aspects/ (pp. 765—772). New York: Plenum.

Furedy, J.J. (1987a). On some research-community contributions to the myth and symbol of biofeedback. /International Journal of Psychophysiology, 4,/ 293—297.

Furedy, J. J. (1987b). Specific versus placebo effects in biofeedback training: A critical lay perspective. /Biofeedback and Self-Regulation, 12,/ 169—182.

Furedy, J. J., & Riley, D. M. (1981). Review of A. J. Yates, /Biofeedback and the modification of behavior. Biological Psychology, 14,/ 149—152.

Furedy, J. J., & Riley, D. M. (1982). Classical and operant conditioning in the enhancement of biofeedback: Specifics and speculations. L. White and B. Tursky (Eds.), /Clinical biofeedback: efficacy and mechanisms./ New York: Guilford. Invited paper for closed-sessions research symposium on Clinical Biofeedback-Efficacy and Mechanisms, State University of New York at Stony Brook, May 1980.

Furedy, J. J., & Scher, H. (1985). On the decline of audience participation at SPR: The unexamined session is not worth attending. /Psychophysiology, 22,/ 369.

Furedy, J. J; & Shulhan, D (1987). Specific versus placebo effects in biofeedback: Some brief back-to-basics considerations. /Biofeedback and Self-Regulation, 12,/ 211—215.

Riley, D. M., & Furedy, J. J (1982). A reply to Mulholland. In L. White and B. Tursky (Eds.), /Clinical biofeedback: Efficacy and mechanisms./ New York: Guilford.

Riley, D. M., & Furedy, J. J (1982). The theoretical and practical of making distinctions in psychophysiology. Paper presented at the International Organization of Psychophysiology meeting, Montreal.

Furedy J J., Shulhan,D., & Levy, B. (1989). The. specific-effects logic of evaluation: Some examples analyzed. /Medical// //Psychotherapy//, 2,/ 103—113.


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