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Strupp, Í. Í. (1987). The science and art of psychotherapy. /1988 Yearbook of science and the future/ (pp. 221—248). Chicago: Encyclopaedia Britannica.

Strupp, H. H., & Binder, J. L. (1984). /Psychotherapy in a new key: A guide to time-limited dynamic psychotherapy./ New York: Basic Books.

Strupp, H. H., & Hadley, S. W. (1977). A tripartite model of mental health and therapeutic outcomes: With special reference to negative effects in psychotherapy. /American Psychologist, 32,/ 187—196.


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Strupp, H. H., Hadley, S. W., & Gomes-Schwartz, Â. (1977), /Psychotherapy for better or worse: An analysis of the problem of negative effects./ New York: Jason Aronson.


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