IndexÀíàñòàñèÿ ØóëüãèíàLittera scripta manetContact

Beahrs, J. Î. (1982). /Unity and multiplicity: Multilevel consciousness of self in hypnosis, psychiatric disorder and mental health./ New York: Brunner/Mazel.

Beahrs, J. 0. (1986). /Limits of scientific psychiatry: The role of uncertainty in mental health./ New York: Brunner/Mazel.

Beahrs, J. 0. (1988). /Spontaneous hypnosis in the forensic context./ Paper presented at the annual scientific meeting of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law, San Francisco.

Beahrs, J. 0. (1990). Strategic self-therapy for personality disorders. Submitted /to Journal of Strategic and Systemic Therapies/ and presented at annual scientific meeting, American Psychiatric Association, Montreal, Canada.

Berne, E. (1966). /Principles of group treatment./ New York: Grove Press.

Freud, S. (1966). In J. Strachey (Ed. and Trans.), /Introductory lectures on psycho-analysis./ New York: Norton. (Original work published 1916).

Hilgard, E. R. (1977). /Divided consciousness: Multiple controls in human thought and action./ New York: Wiley.

Rossi, E. (Ed.). (1980). /The collected papers of Milton H. Erickson on hypnosis./ New York: Irvington.

Spanos, N. P. (1986). Hypnotic behavior: A social-psychological interpretation of amnesia, analgesia, and "trance logic." /Behavior and Brain Science, 9,/ 449—502.



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