IndexÀíàñòàñèÿ ØóëüãèíàLittera scripta manetContact

Alcock, J. (1975). /Animal behavior: An evolutionary approach./ Sunderland, MA: Simaur Associates.

Cousteau, J. Y. (1953). /The silent world./ New York: Harper.

Bateson, G. (1979). /Mind and nature: A necessary unity./ New York: Dalton.


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Carter, P. (1982). Rapport and integrity for Ericksonian practitioners. In J. Zeig (Ed.), /Ericksonian approaches to hypnosis and psychotherapy./ New York: Brunner/Mazel.

Dell, P. (1982). Beyond homeostasis: Toward a concept of coherence. /Family Process, 21,/ 21-41.

Haley, J. (1979, April). Workshop on strategic therapy. Washington, DC.

Haley, J. (1976). /Problem-solving therapy./ San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

Hoffman, L. (1981, April). Workshop: Dialogues in family therapy; a little humor, a little madness. Atlanta Institute for Family Studies.

Lankton, S. (1980). Workshop: Psychological level communication. International Congress on Ericksonian Approaches to Hypnosis and Psychotherapy, Phoenix, AZ.

Rabkin, R. (1977). /Strategic psychotherapy./ New York: Basic Books.

Reamy-Stephenson, M. (1983). The assumption of non-objective reality: A missing link in the training of strategic /therapists. Journal of Strategic and Systemic Therapies,/ 2(2), 51-68.

Reamy-Stephenson, M. (1984). Psychiatric inpatient units. In M. Berger, G. L. Jurkovic, and Associates (Eds.). /Practicing family therapy in diverse settings./ San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

Reamy-Stephenson, M. (1986). No bolts from the blue. In D. Efton (Ed.), /Journeys: Expansions of the strategic-systemic therapies./ New York: Brunner/Mazel.

Ward, Â., & Dubos, R. (1972). /Only one earth./ New York: Norton.

Watzlawick, P., Weakland, J., & Fisch, R. (1974). /Change: Principles of problem formation and problem resolution./ New York: Norton.

Weakland, J., Fisch, R., Watzlawick, P., & Bodin, A. (1974). Brief therapy:

Focused problem resolution. /Family Process, 13(2),/ 141—169.

Zeig, J. (1980). /A teaching seminar with Milton Erickson, M.D./ New York: Brunner/ Mazel.


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