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Приношу благодарность Jared M. Diamond, автору статьи,,

напечатанной в сборнике «Sunda and Sahul» (New York — Lon-

don, 1977) (Diamond, 1977) и издательству Academic Press за

разрешение перепечатать отрывок из этой работы (стр. 296—

297 сборника). Выражаю также глубокую признательность

следующим организациям и авторам за разрешение воспроиз-

вести иллюстрации и таблицы из опубликованных ими работ:

Academic Press for figs 7.12, 9.9 and 9.10 from figs 4.2, 4.5 and

4.6, and Tables 6.5 and 9.10'from Tables 4.1 and 1.3 (Foley, 1984

a and b) ; Academic Press and the authors for fig 6.7D from fig 6

(Clutton-Brock, Harvey, 1977), fig 8.3 from fig 4 (Harris, 1980),

fig 8.11 from fig 4 (Hiadik, 1977), figs 2.14, 2.15, 5.9 and 5.10 from

figs 2.1, 2.2, 2.3 and 2.4 (Roberts, 1984), figs 6.17 and 10.3 from

figs 3.3 and 3.2 (Stringer, 1984) and Table 8.3 from Table 2 (Dun-

bar, 1977); the American Anthropological Association and the

authors for fig 8.21 from fig 1 p. 26 (Dyson-Hudson, Smith, 1978)

and for fig 2.4 from fig 3 .p. 302 (Pilbeam, 1986); the American

Geophysical Union for fig 2.13 from fig 6 (Kennett, 1977) copy-

right by the American Geographical Union; the American Museum

of Natural History's James Arthur Committee for fig 6.16 from

fig 16 (R. D. Martin, 1983); American Scientist for fig 7.16 from

the graph in fig 8 (Potts, 1984b); Annual Reviews Inc. for Tab-

le 6.4 from Tables 6 and 7 (Frayer, Wolpoff, 1985) (с) 1985 by An-

nual Reviews Inc., The Athlone Press for figs 1.3, 6.2 and 9.2 from

figs 4, 43 and 38 (Eisenberg, 1981); Blackwell Scientific Publica-

tions Ltd for fig 6.10 from fig 3 (Western, 1979); Dr. Bonnefille

for fig 5.9 from fig 1 (Bonnefille, 1984); Cambridge University

Press for figs 6.5 and 6.6 from figs 6.9 and 6.11 (Schmidt-Nielson,

1975); The Ecological Society of America for fig 6.7a, b (c) from

fig 1 (Harested, Bunnell, 1979); Harvard University Press for

fig 9.16 from fig 30.6 (Maglio, Cooke, 1978); Little, Brown and

Co for fig 7.13 from p. 89 (Weiss, Mann, 1975) Macmillan Jour-

nals Ltd and the authors for fig 7.10 from fig 1 (Martin, May,

1981) copyright (c) 1981 Macmillan Journals Ltd; Plenum Publi-

shing Corporation and the authors for fig 2.8 from figs 8 and 10

(White, Johanson, Kimbel, 1983); Princeton University Press for

Table 6.4. from a table in figure 1, p. 278 (Smith, 1954); the Royal

Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland for fig 5.4

from fig 7 p. 401 (Foley, 1982); and Taylor and Francis Ltd and

the authors for fig 7.14 from fig 1 (Aiello, 1981) and fig 7.6 from

fig 1 (Andrew, 1981).



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